Brevity and Infinity

The life you lead is often directed towards brief moments of happiness and can easily become not unlike an addiction.  Always seeking the next high, no matter how brief.  To live for single moments that prove sparse as your life unfolds can develop into an insatiable yearning in which your expectations shift like ghosts, and no matter how close you seem to grasping them, they will fade into hazy tendrils that will forever slide just outside your reach.  In the midst of this fixation, you can easily lose the vast stretches of your life that you view merely as a means to an end.  But in life, there should be no means to any ends.  Nothing should ever seem final or absolute.  This is life.  Your journey is what is truly important.  This is what will continue to shape you as a sentient being until the last breath escapes your body and your existence has become a punctuation in time and space. 

Rather than treating life as a quest to reach an insurmountable peak, remove your gaze from that distant point and look at the world as it unfolds around you.  Realize the shear complexity of influence and affect that is as much a part of who you are as the air you breath.  Your thoughts are reactionary impulses that are constantly being touched by every single thing you will ever experience.  To say, “live in the here and now,” doesn’t quite do the sentiment real justice.  The here and now is more than just this instant.  It is a crescendo of everything you’ve ever encountered.  It is who you were years ago, who you were days ago, and who you are becoming.  Identity is a story that will never completely end, because your actions will carry on well after you are gone.  This is your legacy. 

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