Silly Little Worlds

Lives fall apart, just as lives coalesce, constantly folding in on each other; a beautiful display of chaos, pain and ecstasy perpetuating the ever-changing interactions that largely define our worlds.  One moment, unbelievably frail and fickle, the next more real and concrete than our very perception of the world around us.  We are inevitably drawn to others by a force inexplicably linked to our awareness, evident in an infinite array of potentialities.  Single words failing to convey the complex nuances that comprise each and every relationship.  Your past, a palate of countless shades of your interactions, the present, merely a fragment heavily emphasizing a handful of these potentials, and your future filled with never-ending variations of all your life has to offer. 

And we are left to continually project outwards, into the unknown cascades that our actions and decisions will unleash.  Rarely are we surprised by a souring affinity, but how amazed are we at the fruition of an unexpected conjunction.  So quickly does a new development consume our mind, driving us to jettison a slew of possible developments into the unknown future, only to realize, to our dismay, the rarity of actualized hypotheses.  Not that this brings only discord, due to our severely limited means of predicting the futures that lay before us, untouchable, impervious and always teasing our concept of affect.  There is always the chance of being taken entirely by surprise, to be hurled into a realm of possibility we’d never considered.  Filling mind and body with electricity and excitement, driving doubt and worry deep down into the fissures of our minds reserved for fear.  Sleep well knowing tomorrow can offer you a rebirth into a world completely novel and filled with possibility. 

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